بِسْمِ الله الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ
Zikr and Meditation Methods
Prophetic Tasbihaat (count of the attributes of Allah) after every ‘Sala’ (obligatory prayers) once for all.
Prophetic Tasbihaat Zikr count Method سُبْحَانَ اللهْ 33 times Prophetic Tasbihaat after Sala (Obligatory prayers) is to be recited the whole life. Hence, it will not change. اَلْحَمْدُلِلهْ 33 times اَللهُ اَکْبَرْ 34 times کلمہ طیبہ (Kalmah Tayyabah ) 3 times درود ابراھیمی (Drood e Ibrahimi) 3 times استغفار (Forgiveness to Allah جَلَّ جَلَالُهٌ) 3 times آیت الکرسی (Aayaul Kursi) 1 times -
Prophetic Tasbihaat Zikr count Method کلمہ سوم (Third kalmah) 100 times This is to be recited every day forever. درود شریف (Drood shreef) 100 times استغفار (Forgiveness to Allah جَلَّ جَلَالُهٌ) 100 times
The prescribed Zikr is a remedial one. It should not be done without a spiritual mentor (Sheik). It can have unwanted effects.
◂ 1. Initial Zikr
Zikr count Method سَبْحَانَ اللهِ وَالْحَمْدُ لِلهِ وَلَااِلَهَ اِلَّا اللهُ وَ اللهُ اَکْبَرْ 300 times For 40 days without any break لَاحَوْلَ وَلَاقُوَّۃَ اِلَّابِااﷲِ الْعَلِىِّ الْعَظیْمْ 200 times
◂2. Second Zikr
Passing of reward to others (Esaale Sawab)
Recite Sura-e-Fatiha one time and Sura-e-Ikhlaas three times. Pass the reward to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, to all the prophets of Allah, to all the companions of the Holy Prophet ﷺ and to all the spiritual mentors (Mashayekh) (May mercy of Allah be upon all of them) of the four Sufi chains.
ذکر بالجہر (Zikr Bil Jahar) Zikr Count Method لَااِلٰهَ اِلَّا اللہْ 100 times With "La ilaa" imagine that the love of this world is departing from my heart while with "Ilalaa" the love of Allah is coming into my heart. لَااِلٰهَ اِلَّا ھُو 100 times With "La ilaa" imagine that there is none in my heart while with "Ilaa ho" imagine that only Him (Allah) is in my heart. حَقْ 100 times With Haq, imagine that all the false thoughts in my heart are perishing. اللہْ ، اللہْ 100 times With Allah, imagine that my heart is also saying Allah Allah.
◂3.Third Zikr
Passing of reward to others (Esaale Sawab)
Recite Sura-e-Fatiha one time and Sura-e-Ikhlaas three times. Pass the reward to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, to all the prophets of Allah, to all the companions of the Holy Prophet ﷺ and to all the spiritual mentors (Mashayekh) (May mercy of Allah be upon all of them) of the four Sufi chains.
ذکر بالجہر (Zikr Bil Jahar) Zikr Count Method لَااِلٰهَ اِلَّا اللہْ 200 times With "La ilaa" imagine that the love of this world is departing from my heart while with "Ilalaa" the love of Allah is coming into my heart. لَااِلٰهَ اِلَّا ھُو 200 times With "La ilaa" imagine that there is none in my heart while with "Ilaa ho" imagine that only Him (Allah) is in my heart. حَقْ 200 times With Haq, imagine that all the false thoughts in my heart are perishing. اللہْ ، اللہْ 100 times With Allah, imagine that my heart is also saying Allah Allah.
◂ 4.Fourth Zikr
Passing of reward to others (Esaale Sawab)
Recite Sura-e-Fatiha one time and Sura-e-Ikhlaas three times. Pass the reward to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, to all the prophets of Allah, to all the companions of the Holy Prophet ﷺ and to all the spiritual mentors (Mashayekh) (May mercy of Allah be upon all of them) of the four Sufi chains.
ذکر بالجہر (Zikr Bil Jahar) Zikr Count Method لَااِلٰهَ اِلَّا اللہْ 200 times With "La ilaa" imagine that the love of this world is departing from my heart while with "Ilalaa" the love of Allah is coming into my heart. لَااِلٰهَ اِلَّا ھُو 300 times With "La ilaa" imagine that there is none in my heart while with "Ilaa ho" imagine that only Him (Allah) is in my heart. حَقْ 300 times With Haq, imagine that all the false thoughts in my heart are perishing. اللہْ ، اللہْ 100 times With Allah, imagine that my heart is also saying Allah Allah.
◂5. Fifth Zikr
Passing of reward to others (Esaale Sawab)
Recite Sura-e-Fatiha one time and Sura-e-Ikhlaas three times. Pass the reward to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, to all the prophets of Allah, to all the companions of the Holy Prophet ﷺ and to all the spiritual mentors (Mashayekh) (May mercy of Allah be upon all of them) of the four Sufi chains.
ذکر بالجہر (Zikr Bil Jahar) Zikr Count Method لَااِلٰهَ اِلَّا اللہْ 200 times With "La ilaa" imagine that the love of this world is departing from my heart while with "Ilalaa" the love of Allah is coming into my heart. لَااِلٰهَ اِلَّا ھُو 400 times With "La ilaa" imagine that there is none in my heart while with "Ilaa ho" imagine that only Him (Allah) is in my heart. حَقْ 400 times With Haq, imagine that all the false thoughts in my heart are perishing. اللہْ ، اللہْ 100 times With Allah, imagine that my heart is also saying Allah Allah.
◂6. Sixth Zikr
Passing of reward to others (Esaale Sawab)
Recite Sura-e-Fatiha one time and Sura-e-Ikhlaas three times. Pass the reward to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, to all the prophets of Allah, to all the companions of the Holy Prophet ﷺ and to all the spiritual mentors (Mashayekh) (May mercy of Allah be upon all of them) of the four Sufi chains.
ذکر بالجہر (Zikr Bil Jahar) Zikr Count Method لَااِلٰهَ اِلَّا اللہْ 200 times With "La ilaa" imagine that the love of this world is departing from my heart while with "Ilalaa" the love of Allah is coming into my heart. لَااِلٰهَ اِلَّا ھُو 400 times With "La ilaa" imagine that there is none in my heart while with "Ilaa ho" imagine that only Him (Allah) is in my heart. حَقْ 600 times With Haq, imagine that all the false thoughts in my heart are perishing. اللہْ ، اللہْ 100 times With Allah, imagine that my heart is also saying Allah Allah.
Method of Meditation (Muraaqbah)
◂(1) The subtlety of Self (Latifa-e-Nafs)
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◂(2) The subtlety of Heart (Latifa-e-Qalb)
Passing of reward to others (Esaale Sawab)
Recite Sura-e-Fatiha one time and Sura-e-Ikhlaas three times. Pass the reward to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, to all the prophets of Allah, to all the companions of the Holy Prophet ﷺ and to all the spiritual mentors (Mashayekh) (May mercy of Allah be upon all of them) of the four Sufi chains.
- Eyes closed, tongue shut, facing the sacred direction (Qibla-rukh), thinking that my heart says Allah Allah and that Allah is watching my heart with love.
◂(3) The Subtlety of Soul (Latifa-e-Roh)
Passing of reward to others (Esaale Sawab)
Recite Sura-e-Fatiha one time and Sura-e-Ikhlaas three times. Pass the reward to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, to all the prophets of Allah, to all the companions of the Holy Prophet ﷺ and to all the spiritual mentors (Mashayekh) (May mercy of Allah be upon all of them) of the four Sufi chains.
- Eyes closed, tongue shut, facing the sacred direction (Qibla-rukh) feeling that Allah Allah is happening on the Subtlety of Soul and that Allah is watching it with love.
◂(4)The Subtlety of Secret (Latifa-e-Sirr)
Passing of reward to others (Esaale Sawab)
Recite Sura-e-Fatiha one time and Sura-e-Ikhlaas three times. Pass the reward to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, to all the prophets of Allah, to all the companions of the Holy Prophet ﷺ and to all the spiritual mentors (Mashayekh) (May mercy of Allah be upon all of them) of the four Sufi chains.
- Eyes closed, tongue shut, facing the sacred direction (Qibla-rukh) feeling that Allah Allah is happening on the Subtlety of Secret and thinking that Allah is watching it with love.
◂(5) The Hidden Subtlety (Latifa-e-Khafi)
Passing of reward to others (Esaale Sawab)
Recite Sura-e-Fatiha one time and Sura-e-Ikhlaas three times. Pass the reward to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, to all the prophets of Allah, to all the companions of the Holy Prophet ﷺ and to all the spiritual mentors (Mashayekh) (May mercy of Allah be upon all of them) of the four Sufi chains.
- Eyes closed, tongue shut, facing the sacred direction (Qibla-rukh) and feeling that Allah Allah is happening on the Hidden Subtlety and thinking that Allah is also watching it with love.
◂(6) The most Hidden Subtlety (Latifa-e-Ikhfa)
Passing of reward to others (Esaale Sawab)
Recite Sura-e-Fatiha one time and Sura-e-Ikhlaas three times. Pass the reward to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, to all the prophets of Allah, to all the companions of the Holy Prophet ﷺ and to all the spiritual mentors (Mashayekh) (May mercy of Allah be upon all of them) of the four Sufi chains.
- Eyes closed, tongue shut, facing the sacred direction (Qibla-rukh) and feeling that Allah Allah is happening on The Most Hidden Subtlety while thinking that Allah is also watching it with love.