Recent Sessions
English Bayaan
Concerning death and after death
English Bayan No. 427: Originally recorded and broadcast live on Sunday, February 25, 2024. This is a rebroadcast.
| Khanqah Rehmkaria Imdadia
Fahm-ut-Tasawwuf (English Translation)
Understanding of Tasawwuf
Dars from English Translation of book "Fahm ut Tasawwuf" written by Hadhrat Sheikh Syed Shabbir Ahmad Kakakhel sahib (damat barakatuhum)
| Khanqah Darul Ihsan
Gathering for Durood Shareef
Virtues of Darood Sharif, and dua afterwards
Virtues of Durood Sharif, Naat Sharif, Recitation of Chahal Durood o Salaam and Munajaat-e-Maqbool and in the last Special Dua
| Khanqah Darul Ihsan
مجلسِ سوال و جواب
سالکین کی تربیت، اصلاح، معمولات اور احوال سے متعلق سوالات کے جوابات
مجلس نمبر 684
| Khanqah Rehmkaria Imdadia
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